Les devoirs pour le lundi 14 janvier, 2013!

Posted: January 14, 2013

Bonjour mes petites bonhommme de neiges ! REMINDER - We will be having a math test Friday on addition and subtraction. I am offering math help Tuesday/Wednesday at recess time (12:00-12:30) for those who are interested.We also started les science humaines (social studies) and are doing a unit called 'Ma province' (My province). This is integrated into the French curriculum. le son "on, om" Don't forget to say the sound as you read the words and poem! practice the fourth row of les mots fréquents for grade 3 (Quiz tomorrow) la lecture: lire ton livre (read your book)Math-sheets on additionGive parents notice and scholastic orders due: Jan 25thPhrase du jour: Ou habites-tu? J'habite a ___ rue _____ a Miramichi, Nouveau Brunswick!Click on google maps to see where you live!http://maps.google.ca/  Bonne soirée,  Mlle Hart :)