Les devoirs pour le jeudi 25 octobre, 2012!

Posted: October 25, 2012

Bonjour mes petits squelettes! Today we practiced how to say how many people are in our family. We started module 1 on patterns and raced between two classes to find as many "régularités" (means patterns)  as we could.  Phrase du jour:  Combien de personnes est-ce qu'il y a dans ta famille? Dans ma famille il y a 5 personnes! Les devoirs: French Immersion packet needs to be given to your parents as well as the Rememberance day note from Mrs. Comeau français- quiz tomorrow on les mots fréquents lire ton livre (read your french book) le son "s" sheets need to be completed (say the sound and write it) math- practice the numbers 100 to 200 on the number chart anglais- read 15 min plus the two log entries Bonne soirée! A Demain :) Mlle Hart et Jacob! Peux-tu trouver les régularités?