Les devoirs pour le jeudi 15 novembre, 2012!

Posted: November 15, 2012

Bonjour mes petits flocons de neiges! REMINDERS: Scholastic Book orders due tomorrow Please wear blue this Friday in support of anti-bullying week le français- le son "f" (flocon de neige, froid, formidable) Don't forget to write and say the sound! lire ton livre and fill in the title of book in the log (green duotang) this will only be completed when they change books! practice the fourth row of les mots fréquents for grade 2. QUIZ vendredi! les maths- We will be starting module 3 -l'addition et la soustraction lundi (Monday)! optional: check out these math websites http://smartboards.typepad.com/smartboard/2007/10/smart-board-hal.html http://coolmath.com/  anglais- read 15 min and log Bonne soirée! Mlle Hart et Jacob Phrase du jour (sentence of the day)- Quand est ta fête? Ma fête est le 20 juillet, _____.